Jenkins Fundamentals

Jenkins Fundamentals

Jenkins is a powerful application that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform you are working on. It is a free source that can handle any kind of build or continuous integration. Jenkins is a Java-based open-source automation platform with plugins designed for continuous integration. It is used to continually create and test software projects, making it easier for developers and DevOps engineers to integrate changes to the project and for consumers to get a new build.


Jenkins Fundamentals Module

● Understanding the principles of continuous integration (CI)
● Overview of Jenkins and its role in automating CI/CD pipelines
● Benefits of using Jenkins for software development workflows

● Installing Jenkins on different platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
● Navigating the Jenkins web interface and setting up initial configurations
● Creating your first Jenkins job

● Understanding Jenkins jobs and build processes
● Configuring and managing build triggers
● Configuring build environment and build steps

● Exploring the Jenkins plugin ecosystem
● Installing and configuring Jenkins plugins
● Extending Jenkins with custom plugins and integrations

● Introduction to Jenkins Pipeline as code
● Writing and executing simple declarative pipelines
● Visualizing pipeline stages and steps in Blue Ocean

● Understanding Jenkins agents and their role in distributed builds
● Configuring and managing Jenkins agent nodes
● Distributing build workloads across agent nodes

● Integrating Jenkins with source code repositories (Git, SVN, etc.)

● Configuring webhook triggers and polling for changes
● Implementing automated version control workflows

● Implementing artifact management in Jenkins
● Archiving build artifacts and managing dependencies
● Promoting builds across environments using Jenkins

● Configuring build notifications (email, chat, etc.)
● Generating build reports and logs in Jenkins
● Using third-party tools for enhanced reporting and visualization

● Implementing user authentication and authorization in Jenkins
● Configuring security realms and using external authentication providers
● Using role-based access control (RBAC) for fine-grained permissions

● Implementing complete CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins
● Integrating testing, building, and deployment stages
● Best practices for managing multi-stage pipelines

● Using Jenkins Job DSL to define jobs as code
● Managing Jenkins configurations as code (JCasC)
● Applying infrastructure as code principles to Jenkins setup

● Analyzing real-world Jenkins use cases and success stories
● Building complete CI/CD pipelines for different application scenarios

● Exploring emerging technologies and trends in the Jenkins ecosystem
● Jenkins 2.0, Jenkins X, and cloud-native CI/CD

● Comprehensive final project demonstrating Jenkins proficiency
● Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
● Guidance on Jenkins certifications and next steps in your learning journey

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