Git Fundamentals

Git Fundamentals

Git is a free and open-source version control system, originally created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Unlike older centralized version control systems such as SVN and CVS, Git is distributed: every developer has the full history of their code repository locally. This makes the initial clone of the repository slower, but subsequent operations such as commit, blame, diff, merge, and log dramatically faster.


Git Fundamentals Module

  • Understanding the need for version control in software development
  • Overview of Git and its role in tracking changes in code
  • Benefits of using Git for collaboration and code management
  • Installing Git on different platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Setting up Git configurations and user information
  • Navigating the Git command-line interface
  • Understanding the Git working directory, staging area, and repository
  • Initializing a new Git repository
  • Basic Git commands: init, add, commit, status, log
  • Exploring Git branching concepts and workflows
  • Creating, switching, and deleting branches
  • Merging branches and resolving merge conflicts
  • Setting up remote repositories (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)
  • Cloning remote repositories to your local machine
  • Pushing and pulling changes to and from remote repositories
  • Exploring the Git commit history and visualizing changes
  • Using git diff to view changes between commits
  • Using git reset and git checkout to navigate commit history
  • Creating lightweight and annotated tags
  • Using tags to mark specific points in the commit history
  • Managing releases and versioning using Git tags
  • Understanding Git workflows (Feature Branch Workflow, Gitflow, GitHub Flow)
  • Implementing best practices for commit messages and code review
  • Collaborative Git practices in a team environment
  • Exploring graphical user interfaces (GUI) for Git
  • Using Git clients for a visual representation of repositories and commits
  • Comparing command-line Git with GUI tools
  • Analyzing real-world Git use cases and best practices
  • Collaborative development using Git in various scenarios

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