Docker Fundamentals

Docker Fundamentals

Docker is an open source platform that enables developers to build, deploy, run, update and manage containers—standardized, executable components that combine application source code with the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run that code in any environment.


Docker Fundamentals Module

  • Understanding the need for containerization
  • Overview of Docker and its role in modern software development
  • Docker’s impact on DevOps practices
  • Installing Docker on different platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Navigating the Docker command-line interface (CLI)
  • Running your first Docker container
  • Understanding Docker images and their layers
  • Building Docker images using Dockerfiles
  • Running and managing Docker containers
  • Using Docker volumes for persistent data storage
  • Mounting host directories into containers
  • Managing container data with volumes
  • Exploring Docker networking models
  • Creating and managing Docker networks
  • Exposing container ports and connecting containers
  • Introduction to Docker Compose for multi-container applications
  • Defining services and networks using a Compose file
  • Running and managing multi-container applications with Compose
  • Understanding Docker registries and their importance
  • Pushing and pulling images from Docker Hub and private repositories
  • Setting up your own Docker registry
  • Analyzing existing applications for containerization
  • Refactoring applications to run within containers
  • Best practices for designing containerized applications
  • Understanding the relationship between Docker and microservices
  • Building and deploying microservices using Docker containers
  • Container orchestration with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Implementing security best practices for Docker containers
  • Securing Docker images and runtime environments
  • Using Docker security tools and features
  • Creating isolated development environments using Docker
  • Replicating production environments locally for testing
  • Optimizing developer workflows with Docker
  • Integrating Docker into Continuous Integration (CI) workflows
  • Building Docker images as part of CI/CD pipelines
  • Automating container deployment and testing
  • Analyzing real-world use cases of Docker in software development
  • Deploying applications using Docker container 
  • Exploring emerging technologies and trends in the Docker ecosystem
  • Serverless container platforms, Docker Swarm, and more
  • Comprehensive final project containerizing an application using Docker
  • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
  • Guidance on Docker certifications and next steps in your learning journey

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