kubernetes deep dive

Kubernetes deep dive

Kubernetes is a system for managing and orchestrating containerized applications across a cluster of nodes. It was designed by Google to manage and schedule containers at scale. Kubernetes can run on-premises or in the cloud, making it a popular choice for modernizing IT infrastructure. Many major companies use Kubernetes to manage their containerized applications, including Google, and Shopify.


Kubernetes deep dive Module

  • Understanding the goals and structure of the course
  • Overview of advanced Kubernetes concepts and services
  • In-depth exploration of Kubernetes components (etcd, kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, kubelet, kube-proxy)
  • Understanding the control plane and worker nodes
  • Kubernetes networking models and plugins (CNI)
  • Multi-container pods and sidecar patterns
  • Init containers and their role in application initialization
  • Resource management and quality of service (QoS) for pods
  • Deep dive into Kubernetes networking components (Service, Ingress, NetworkPolicy)
  • Network policies for fine-grained network control
  • Advanced networking solutions like Cilium and Istio
  • Understanding stateful applications and their challenges in Kubernetes
  • Using StatefulSets for managing stateful workloads
  • Dynamic provisioning and managing Persistent Volumes for stateful apps
  • Introduction to Kubernetes Operators and Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
  • Building and deploying Operators for complex application management
  • Real-world use cases for Operators
  • In-depth look at Kubernetes scheduling algorithms
  • Customizing scheduling behavior with node affinity, taints, and tolerations
  • Using pod affinity and anti-affinity for workload placement
  • CSI (Container Storage Interface) and dynamic volume provisioning
  • Deep dive into various storage options in Kubernetes (Persistent Volumes, Local Persistent Volumes, Dynamic Provisioning)
  • Implementing data management solutions in Kubernetes
  • Advanced security considerations for Kubernetes clusters
  • Pod security policies and controlling privileges
  • Secrets management and using Kubernetes security tools
  • Implementing advanced monitoring and observability using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Distributed tracing with tools like Jaeger and OpenTelemetry
  • Debugging and troubleshooting applications in Kubernetes
  • Strategies for upgrading Kubernetes clusters
  • Minimizing downtime and impact during upgrades
  • Handling node maintenance and draining gracefully
  • In-depth exploration of service mesh technologies like Istio and Linkerd
  • Implementing traffic management, security, and observability with a service mesh
  • Real-world scenarios and use cases for service meshes
  • Implementing backup and restore strategies for Kubernetes workloads
  • Handling cluster-wide failures and disaster recovery scenarios
  • Testing and validating disaster recovery plans
  • Understanding Kubernetes federation and managing multiple clusters
  • Implementing multi-cluster patterns for scalability and fault tolerance
  • Implementing global load balancing across clusters
  • Exploring emerging technologies and trends in the Kubernetes ecosystem
  • Edge computing, serverless Kubernetes, and more
  • Comprehensive final project applying advanced Kubernetes concepts to a real-world scenario
  • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
  • Guidance on advanced Kubernetes certifications and next steps in your learning journey

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