Istio Deep Dive

Istio Deep Dive

This document introduces Istio: an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. Istio provides an easy way to create a network of deployed services with load balancing, service-to-service authentication, monitoring, and more, without requiring any changes in service code. You add Istio support to services by deploying a special sidecar proxy throughout your environment that intercepts all network communication between microservices, configured and managed using Istio’s control plane functionality.


Istio Deep Dive Module

  • Understanding the goals and structure of the course
  • Overview of advanced Istio concepts and its role in microservices management
  • In-depth exploration of Istio’s architecture and core components
  • Understanding Istio’s control plane components (Pilot, Mixer, Citadel)
  • Exploring the interactions between data plane proxies (Envoy) and Istio’s components
  • Advanced usage of Istio Custom Resource Definitions
  • Customizing Istio’s behavior using CRDs and annotations
  • Developing custom Istio CRDs for specialized use cases
  • In-depth exploration of advanced traffic management scenarios
  • Implementing traffic shifting, mirroring, and header manipulation
  • Advanced routing strategies and fault injection techniques
  • Deep dive into Istio’s security features and mTLS
  • Implementing strict mutual TLS authentication and certificate management
  • Fine-tuning access control and authorization policies using Istio
  • Exploring Istio’s observability and telemetry features
  • Implementing advanced distributed tracing and request tracing
  • Leveraging Istio for advanced metrics collection and analysis
  • Implementing advanced egress traffic control and routing
  • Using Istio’s egress policies for external service communication
  • Managing external traffic securely and efficiently
  • In-depth exploration of service mesh policies using Istio
  • Implementing advanced rate limiting and quotas for microservices
  • Using Istio’s Mixer to enforce complex policies
  • Deep dive into managing microservices across multiple clusters
  • Implementing cross-cluster communication and service discovery with Istio
  • Advanced use of Istio in hybrid cloud and multi-environment setups
  • Integrating Istio with Kubernetes networking components
  • Advanced usage of Kubernetes Ingress and Istio Gateway
  • Implementing complex networking scenarios with Istio
  • Developing custom control plane extensions and adapters for Istio
  • Extending Istio’s capabilities using custom Mixer adapters
  • Exploring Istio’s extensibility and integration points
  • Optimizing Istio’s performance for large-scale deployments
  • Scaling Istio’s control plane and data plane for performance and reliability
  • Strategies for handling high traffic loads with Istio
  • Analyzing advanced use cases and complex Istio deployments
  • Applying advanced Istio techniques to real-world microservices scenarios
  • Exploring emerging technologies and trends in the Istio ecosystem
  • Istio roadmap, extensions, and evolving practices
  • Comprehensive final project demonstrating advanced Istio proficiency
  • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
  • Guidance on advanced Istio certifications and next steps in your learning journey

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